27 August 2008

Whither the Dulcinea?

She planned on going to Gomeroke last night, but an 8:30 bedtime beckoned.

Oh well. There will be another Tuesday, another Gomeroke.

14 August 2008

These boots were made for walking

I got a taste for a twice-daily walk while house sitting, but haven't yet gotten myself out for a proper walk with the boy.

This post was gonna be a call for Gomeroke pardners. I usually go by my lonesome, which is fine, but a bit lonesome. Anyone up for a little Gomeroke next Tuesday night?

Here's the thing about having an awesome new TV antenna: I find myself watching way more news than I usually do, and that is thoroughly depressing.

The world sucks, apparently.

And so I pour another drink, to numb the pain.

Yours faithfully,

The Dulcinea

Living in a Gamer's Paradise

Palmer's friend C is at GenCon in Indiana this week and blogging it. Next year I hope Palmer will be able to attend, as he is a gaming dork par excellence.

12 August 2008

Whoo hoo and a boo

My sofa and loveseat were delivered today. Oops, my living room is not as big as the showroom. We have some rearranging to do.


That's the whoo hoo.

The boo is that there is no Gomeroke tonight, so I'm going to have to amuse myself for the evening.

Yes, every blog post here at The Dulcinea Speaks HAS to mention Gomeroke. It's in my contract.

07 August 2008

You're allowed to be afraid of your totem animal, right?

Last night Palmer saved me. From a bat. The boy was going to take a bath (we are housesitting in addition to moving this week) when he saw what at first he described as "a bird", but upon closer inspection shrieked, "IT'S A BAT!!!"

He and I hid out in the bedroom for a minute while I tried to remember what to do with a bat in the house. I came up with the best plan available to me: Call my mommy. When that didn't elicite much in the practical idea area, I called Palmer (who was staying at our new pad for the first time last night), and after he gave me some great practical ideas, I got him to come over and help me implement them (he wasn't too excited, from the sound of his voice).

After some towel throwing and sheet waving (and a lightbulb being broken), we ushered the bat out of the front door (although there was a perfectly good door upstairs to fly through, silly thing).

Palmer went home to bed, and the little boy (who had been in the bath and hiding again in the bedroom during Bat-o-mergency 08) tried to wind down after all that excitement.

Later on I found what I assumed was a dead bat in a box fan upstairs. I figure it must have squeezed itself in between two broken slats when the fan was off, and then been stunned by the fan being turned on and eventually died of dehydration.

As the post title suggests, I consider bats, in my completely culture stealing way, to be my totem animal. That is, I feel that bats are special to me (WHEN OUTSIDE) that I have an affinity to them. I once had a cinderella moment when I was walking near my grandmother's house and a bat kept swooping near me. I was a teenager and dressed all in black, and it was very demi-goth and cool. And my first tattoo was of a bat. Her name is Koko (yes, after the sign-language speaking gorilla).

Tonight will be Palmer and my first night together in our new home. I think last night's bat catching and subsequent light bulb sweeping was a good bonding experience. Hopefully he didn't lose too much sleep!

04 August 2008

Moving house

I'm in the midst of moving, will be back by the end of August.

(I did end up doing Creep at Gomeroke, and had a blast).